9,99 $ Original price was: 9,99 $.2,99 $Current price is: 2,99 $.
-Rust Round 35 Twitch Drops
After your purchase, you will receive a step-by-step guide on how to claim the Drops in your Rust account.
You will receive the following items:
Round 35:
1. Ronaldo x Jason face mask,
2. Nmplol x Misterrarther SAR,
3. Kkatamina x Fuslie Box,
4. Kingdoms IIGate,
5. Kingdoms II PickAxe Stone,
6. Ironmouse garage door,
7. Black Lotus Rock,
8. Kingdoms II stone axe,
9. Willneff locker,
10. Blue refrigerator x Ellum,
11. Shroud jacket,
12. Boxbox x Chocobars hoodie,
13. Sykkuno x Dokibird AR,
14. TrainwecksTV AR,
15. Abe’s big backpack
16. Friendly duck
17. Bunny Wants Candy